
Friday, February 26, 2010


Cover Image


Claudia Gray


$16.99 U.S. (Hardcover)

Release Date: March 9th

FTC: I received this book from the author. I agree to provide an honest review and am not receiving compensation.

Synopsis from the back of the book:

After escaping from Evernight Academy, the vampire boarding school, Bianca and Lucas take refuge with Black Cross, a fanatical group of vampire hunters. Bianca must hide her supernatural heritage or risk certain death at their hands. But when Black Cross captures her friend--the vampire Balthazar-- Bianca and Lucas are forced on the run again.

My Thoughts:

Perfection! I did not think Claudia Gray could come up with new adventures after her amazing sequel Stargazer, I was wrong. While I will admit the ending did not turn out the way I personally wanted it to, I was engrossed in the book from page 1. I loved the blossoming of Lucas and Bianca's relationship. There was already a passion present that could only be compared to that of Romeo and Juliet, but it grew even more in this book. I loved that th characters grew in this book. Lucas and Bianca were forced to become more like adults and to take responsibility of their own lives. They became mini adults in this book. I also loved the few characters from Evernight that were reincorporated into this book. This book stood apart from the previous two. The setting has changed from the dark walls of Evernight academy and Bianca was thrust into the real world, as well as the world of Black Cross. There were many surprises in this book, and I could not believe how it ended. I am now eagerly awaiting the final chapter of the Evernight series.


Anyone who loves Bianca and Lucas.

Age: 15 and up

Grade: A

Quote: "'We are homeless,' Lucas pointed out."

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